Services, Quality, Safety, Environment

We offer our customers a department equipped with EDM, machining centre, lathe and CNC milling machines; the equipment handlers perform dowel changes, time indicator updates, minor repairs and routine maintenance of the moulds.
Before the start of production, a general inspection is made of each mould and possible dowel or time indicator change is performed.
After production, before placing the mould, a general check is performed once again.
The way in which the mould is constructed is crucial to creating quality castings, which is why Fonderie Pavinato offers all its expertise to help its customers in the design phase of the casting, performing a feasibility study and interfacing with the mould maker to define the characteristics of the equipment. 

The quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015

The quality of the alloy is guaranteed by the purchase of the ingots from selected suppliers and by the execution of chemical analyzes carried out both on the purchased alloys and on the castings produced.

The quality of the product is guaranteed by the activity of dedicated personnel who carry out specific and personalized checks during all production phases. 
For the inspection of the alloy and the castings, we also have tools such as:
- High-precision SPECTROMAXx spectrometer
- Dea for three-dimensional measurements
- X-ray equipment to check internal porosity
- Equipment for vacuum moulding. 
- Flir 50 thermocamera to analyse the temperature of the mould.
Fonderie Pavinato adopts a management system for health and safety at work according to the UNI INAIL ed.2001 guidelines.
Regulatory references:
- UNI INAIL ed. guidelines 2001
- Legislative Decree 231/2001 " Administrative Responsibility of legal persons" 

Fonderie Pavinato adopts an environmental management system certified according to ISO 14001:2015  and holds the Integrated Environmental Authorisation issued by the Province of Vicenza with Decree no. 1159 of 30/09/2020. 
We pay particular attention to the environment by selecting all the chemicals and consumables used in the process not only based on their "yield" but also by assessing their environmental impact.

Fonderie Pavinato adopts an organization and management model compliant with Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 

